



The BallymacGSC will be running a bus to Loughgall on teusday the 15th of August, leaving the clubrooms at 6.15pm costing £9. Please contact a member to book a seat. 

The BallymacGSC will be running a bus to Glenavon on saturday the 5th of August, leaving the clubrooms at 1.30pm costing £8. Please contact a member to book a seat. 

The BallymacGSC will be having an FA cup day on Saturday the 3rd of June in aid of Beyond the battlefield. Doors will be opening at 1pm with a charge of £5 with food after the match. Everybody welcome! 

The BallymacGSC will be running a bus to Crusaders on Saturday the 29th of April, leaving the clubrooms at 4.45pm costing £5. Please contact a member to book a seat. 

The BallymacGSC will be running a bus to Linfield on Wednesday the 12th of April, leaving the clubrooms at 7pm costing £5. Please contact a member to book a seat. 

The BallymacGSC will be running a bus to Larne on Friday the 7th of April, leaving the clubrooms at 6.30pm costing £8. Please contact a member to book a seat. 

The BallymacGSC will be running a bus to Carrick rangers on Saturday the 18th of March, leaving the clubrooms at 2pm costing £5. Please contact a member to book a seat.

The BallymacGSC will be running a bus to Carrick Rangers on teusday the 7th of March leaving the clubrooms at 7pm costing £5. Please contact a member to book a seat. 

The BallymacGSC will be running a bus to  Crusaders on Saturday the 4th of March, leaving the clubrooms at 2pm costing £5. Please contact a member to book a seat. 

The BallymacGSC will be running a bus to Cliftonville on Saturday the 25th of February, leaving the clubrooms at 2pm costing £5. Please contact a member to book a seat.

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The BallymacGSC